PO Box 33 Todd NC 28684 partnerscanines@gmail.com
Email for ADOPTIONS: partnerscaninesadopt@gmail.com
> High Country Lanes has picked Partners! Canines as their "Round Up" partner for January 2024. Come bowl - a fun, indoor activity, during January, round up your purchase, and help Partners! HCLs will match donations.
>> Join us online for our Valentines Online Auction - hosted on the Partners! Canines Facebook Page. The auction will be live February 1 - 11, 2024! Pick up some great items and gifts for your human or canine/feline honey(s)!

2023 Highlights:
2023 High Country K9 Keg Pull - held at Appalchian Mountain Brewery on January 21. It was good to get back outside and have pups race - post pandemic! Partners also had a merchandise table and silent auction items at this year's event!
Let's Be Artsy - Paint Your Pet Portrait fundraiser - May 21, 2023 - Partners was able to raise enough funds at this event to sponsort a transport!
Booneshine Fundraiser - Held August 10th. This event included therapy dogs as well as pups up for adoption. The rainy weather did not dampen our spirits or the contributions from Booneshine customers! Thanks Booneshine!
Pampered Chef Online Party - The end of August we hosted an online party which raised enough for another transport! Great news!
2023 DOGTOBERFEST at AMB - Once again we had a great time at our Dogtoberfest, hosted by Appalachian Mountain Brewery. Dog contest winners can be seen on our facebook page. We had a lot of fun and raised some money to rescue more pups! Thanks AMB for your donation!

2022 Highlights:
Adoption and fundraiser event at Booneshine Brewery, Thursday, August 18, 2022, 5-8pm
Adoption Event at Stardust Cellars, Saturday, June 25, 2022, 2-6pm
Stardust Cellars partnered with Partners! Canines to hold a pup adoption event on June 25, 2022. There was live music and lots of canine related vendors!
Appalachian Mountain Brewery - Partners Dogtoberfest Silent Auction and Dog Costume Contest. Held October 29, 2022.
The High Country K9 Keg Pull is held each year in January as part of the Blowing Rock Winter Fest. Although a separate entity, the HCK9KP proceeds go to fund Partners! Canines efforts to rescue dogs.
In 2023 we partnered with Let's Be Artsy to hold a paint your pet portrait fundraiser. We raised enough to sponsor a transport!
Booneshine Partners! Canines Fundraiser - Come meet pups and Therapy Dogs! A percentage from outside sales goes to Partners! Canines. Typically held in August of each year.
Appalachian Mountain Brewery Dogtoberfest Silent Auction. Come join Partners! Canines at AMB and enjoy a beer or cider while bidding on our silent auction items.